Önceki Sayfa

Merih Gülseven


She has undergrad degree as Computer Engineer in 1988 and completed MBA degree at Marmara University in Human Resources Management program.


She has started to her career as software developer while attending master program. In short time period she has changed her mind and aimed to work in network and system departments and improve herself and moved to big banks. She has worked mostly in IT departments or Technology companies of banks (Pamukbank, Turk Ticaret Bank, Akbank & Garantibank) and Turkish Airlines having titles of specialist, senior specialist, expert, project leader and unit manager.


After 25 years of technical background she get retired from Garanti Technology and next day, she  started to work in recruitment.


She has been working for HR projects and managerial and technology positions’ recruitment since 2013.


Currently, she is working with Astera HR as consultant.

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