Önceki Sayfa

Executive Recruitment Services

“The strength of an organization is as strong as its leaders.”


Finding Leaders to Take Your Company to the Top


Executive selection is a specialized process that requires great precision and care. Mistakes made in this process can bring significant losses to companies, not only leading to a wrong hire but potentially steering your company in an undesirable direction. Therefore, expertise, diversity, and experience are essential.


With our team of consultants, each possessing deep corporate experience in their respective sectors, we find the right leaders that fit your company culture and will drive you forward. Utilizing our executive candidate database and long-standing sectoral relationships, we provide your company with its heroes.


Our experts work with you to find the specialists you need to run your business. From the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and executive board members, we are with you throughout the process to find individuals with the strong leadership skills and experience necessary to elevate your company to the next level.


Using comprehensive methods such as competency-based interview techniques, psychometric and personality assessment tests, and assessment center studies, we quickly connect you with candidates that best match your culture, skills, and goals, helping you use your time efficiently.


During this process, we listen to understand your company’s culture and expectations and share our sector experiences about market dynamics and compensation packages. By conducting detailed analysis studies on sample profiles, we re-interpret the manager’s expectations through candidates. We create a shortlist through search and competency-based interviews, participate in your interviews as listeners, and reassess any gaps if necessary.


We conduct assessment center or inventory studies on the most suitable candidates, perform end-to-end reference checks, and report the findings. We support you in the job offer process, ensuring the candidate’s commencement and monitoring their performance post-start. With this comprehensive approach, we help you confidently plan your company’s future by utilizing management tools such as performance management, career management, compensation management, and motivation tools.



How Do We Manage the Process?


Understanding Company Culture and Expectations: In the initial phase, we listen to understand your company culture and expectations. This is a critical step in identifying the right candidates.

Detailed Profile Analysis: We conduct detailed analysis studies on sample profiles. By reinterpreting the manager’s expectations through candidates, we identify the most suitable profiles.

Search and Interviews: We create a shortlist through search and competency-based interviews. This allows us to select the most suitable candidates from a broad pool.

Interview Process: We participate in your interviews as listeners. We reassess any gaps if necessary, making the process more effective.

Assessment Center and Inventory Studies: We conduct assessment center or inventory studies on the most suitable candidates. This allows us to evaluate candidates’ competencies more deeply.

Reference Checks: We perform end-to-end reference checks and prepare detailed reports. This provides reliable information about the candidate’s past performance.

Market Dynamics and Compensation Packages: We share our sector experiences about market dynamics and compensation packages with you. This enables you to present competitive and attractive offers.

Job Offer Process: We support you in the job offer process, ensuring the most suitable offer is presented. This increases the likelihood of the candidate accepting the offer.

Follow-up and Support: We monitor the candidate’s commencement and their performance post-start together. This guarantees long-term success.

Management Tools: Utilizing performance management, career management, compensation management, and motivation tools, we help you plan your company’s future and look to the future with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Recruitment Consulting: A Guide for Employers and Job Seekers

Recruitment consultancy services are an important process for both employers and job seekers. Finding the right candidate and effectively managing the recruitment process is crucial for a company’s success, while finding suitable positions and developing their careers is important for job seekers. Recruitment consultancy services act as a bridge between these two parties, matching the right candidates with the right positions. They also offer a professional approach to successfully managing the recruitment process. In this guide we prepared for you, you can learn in detail the benefits of recruitment consultancy for employers and job seekers and how the process works.

What is Recruitment Consulting?

Recruitment consultancy provides professional assistance to help employers meet their staffing needs and guide the processes of identifying and selecting the most suitable candidates. This service spans a wide range, from publishing job advertisements to conducting preliminary screenings among candidates, organizing interview processes, and conducting reference checks. Headhunter firms conduct comprehensive candidate research to find candidates suitable for employers’ needs and evaluate them.

What Does a Recruitment Consultant Do?

A recruitment consultant helps employers create and publish job advertisements, conducts candidate research to identify potential candidates, and reaches out to them. Actively involved in every stage of the recruitment process, consultants screen candidates to determine the most suitable ones for employers. They also organize interview processes, conduct reference checks, and coordinate communication between employers and candidates during the job offer stage.

Why is Recruitment Consulting Important?

Recruitment consultancy is strategically important for companies. Recruitment consultancy services manage the specialized processes required to meet workforce needs. The experience of recruitment consultants ensures the effective identification and hiring of suitable candidates. These professionals manage candidate research, preliminary screenings, and interview processes, helping employers use their time and resources efficiently. They also facilitate communication with candidates, minimizing potential delays in the job offer process. Recruitment consultants also ensure the right talents are found for specialized positions, increasing workforce efficiency and providing companies with a competitive advantage.

Which Companies/Industries Need Recruitment Consulting?

Recruitment consultancy is necessary across a wide range of sectors, including technology, finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, services, and consultancy. The technology sector is rapidly developing and highly competitive, making it crucial to find and hire the right talents. The finance sector requires recruitment consultancy services due to complex job roles and high competition.

The healthcare sector needs a specialized approach to hire qualified healthcare professionals, while the retail sector must find the right talents to respond to rapidly changing consumer demands. The manufacturing sector requires recruitment consultancy to find and hire employees with specialized skills. The services sector seeks the help of recruitment consultants to find and employ the right individuals to enhance customer satisfaction, and the consultancy sector requires recruitment consultancy services to hire qualified consultants for different projects.

What Services Do Recruitment Consultants Offer to Employers?

Recruitment consultants offer employers services in areas such as job analysis and job description, job postings, candidate selection, and evaluation. These services, aimed at enhancing the recruitment process and helping employers find the right candidates, include:

  • Job Posting Preparation: Effective job postings are created for the designated positions. Consultants publish these ads on the right platforms to attract qualified candidates. The ads are carefully crafted to attract candidates who fit the job requirements and company culture.
  • Candidate Selection and Evaluation: Applications are reviewed in detail, and the most suitable candidates for the position are identified. Consultants evaluate candidates’ competencies, experience, and job fit. At this stage, preliminary interviews are conducted, and the most suitable candidates are presented to the employers.
  • Conclusion and Placement: After the interview process is completed with the employer’s preferred candidates, the placement process begins. Consultants guide employers through every step of the recruitment process, ensuring that the right candidate is placed in the position.

These services help employers make their recruitment processes more effective and find the right candidates.

Job Analysis and Job Description

Job analysis and job description involve working with employers to determine job requirements and create a detailed description of the position within the scope of recruitment consultancy services. In this process, recruitment consultants thoroughly examine the tasks, responsibilities, skills, and experience requirements of the job. Based on this information, job descriptions are created, clearly defining the required skills and expectations for job seekers.

Job Posting and Promotion

Job posting and promotion allow recruitment consultants to market the job on behalf of employers and attract suitable candidates. Job postings include the job’s requirements, responsibilities, and skill and experience requirements, providing candidates with detailed information about the position. Recruitment consultants develop strategies to advertise the job on various platforms, including social media, to attract potential candidates. This expands the candidate pool for employers by increasing job applications.

Candidate Selection and Evaluation

Candidate selection and evaluation enable recruitment consultants to identify the most suitable candidates for employers and manage the recruitment process efficiently. This stage begins with the review of applicants. Recruitment consultants evaluate candidates based on the criteria set by the employers and conduct preliminary screenings. They use tools like interviews and assessment tests to objectively evaluate candidates. Afterward, the most suitable candidate is selected, and the recruitment process is successfully completed.

How Does the Recruitment Consulting Process Progress?

The recruitment consulting process progresses according to the needs of the employers. At the beginning of this process, recruitment consultants meet with employers to determine their workforce needs and recruitment requirements. Job postings are then prepared and published on relevant platforms to create a candidate pool. Applications are reviewed, interviews are conducted with candidates, and evaluations are made in collaboration with the employers. Reference checks and background investigations are carried out, offers are made, and the recruitment process is managed. The recruitment consultancy process takes a strategic approach to meet employers’ workforce needs and find the most suitable candidates.

How Do Recruitment Consultants Find the Right Candidates for Employers?

Recruitment consultants find the right candidates for employers using various strategies and tools. First, consultants create a detailed job description of the open position and identify the key skills and experiences that will help find the most suitable candidates. Then, they enter an extensive research and screening process to find candidates that meet these criteria.

One of the most popular tools used in the recruitment process is LinkedIn. LinkedIn provides an ideal platform to thoroughly examine candidates’ professional experiences, educational backgrounds, and career goals. Additionally, consultants conduct candidate screening through various job listing sites and career consultancy services. These sites provide access to a broad candidate pool and make candidate searches easier with customized search filters.

In addition, recruitment consultants often use resume screening and applicant tracking systems. Applicant tracking systems help quickly rank suitable candidates by automatically filtering incoming applications. They also evaluate candidates based on the degree of match with job descriptions by identifying key words and phrases in resumes.

In the final stage, recruitment consultants arrange interviews with the candidates they have identified, assessing their skills, personality traits, and fit with the company culture. This process can include phone interviews, video conferences, and face-to-face meetings. Each interview helps the consultant better understand the candidate’s overall competencies and suitability for the position. The comprehensive and multi-faceted approach of recruitment consultants ensures that employers find the most suitable candidates for their needs.

How to Choose a Recruitment Consulting Firm?

When choosing a recruitment consulting firm, consider the following key points:

  • Ensure that the recruitment consulting firm is experienced and specialized, particularly in your industry or positions.
  • Check references to evaluate the firm’s previous client relationships and satisfaction. Also, review online feedback and testimonials.
  • Assess the range of services offered by the firm. Determine at which stages of the recruitment process they provide support and whether it fits your needs.
  • The recruitment consulting firm should be easy to communicate and collaborate with.
  • Make sure the firm optimizes the recruitment process using up-to-date technology and software.
  • Verify that the firm has the necessary licenses and authorities.
  • The firm’s employer brand and image are important. A firm with an attractive brand for job seekers can help you attract the right candidates.
  • Ensure that the recruitment consulting firm offers customized solutions to meet your needs. Remember that every business has different requirements and choose a firm accordingly.
  • Consider the ethical values and compliance standards adopted by the firm. Make sure the firm aligns with your values.
Benefits of Recruitment Consultancy

The benefits of recruitment consultancy services are as follows:

  • Recruitment consultancy services manage the hiring process with a professional approach and ensure the recruitment of high-quality candidates.
  • Consultancy firms accelerate the recruitment process and enable efficient use of resources, saving both time and cost.
  • These firms have access to a broad pool of candidates and up-to-date resources in the industry, increasing the likelihood of finding the right candidate.
  • Recruitment consultants evaluate candidates impartially and objectively.
  • With high-quality recruitment processes, they contribute to strengthening the employer brand and enhancing the company’s reputation.
  • Professional consultants conduct detailed research on candidates’ references and past performances, reducing risks for employers.
  • Recruitment consultancy companies quickly adapt to the changing job market and offer flexible solutions tailored to the employer’s needs.
  • They support the company’s long-term success by creating workforce planning that aligns with the employer’s strategic goals.
How Can Companies Benefit from Recruitment Consultancy Services?

Companies can benefit from our recruitment consultancy services at Astera Consulting by contacting us. The first step to utilizing this service is to clearly define your company’s needs and open positions. Based on this information, our experienced consultants develop a customized recruitment strategy for you.

At Astera Consulting, we offer tailored solutions with our extensive and updated candidate database, professional networks, and sector expertise. Our professional team conducts interviews with candidates throughout the recruitment process, utilizing various methods such as technical interviews, behavioral assessment techniques, and situational interviews. This ensures an objective evaluation of candidates’ professional skills, as well as their teamwork and problem-solving abilities.

Our IT recruitment consultancy services at Astera Consulting provide valuable partnership in helping your company achieve its growth goals and succeed in technology-driven projects. By contacting us, you can gain information about recruitment solutions tailored to your company within the scope of Headhunter firms in Istanbul, and begin managing your recruitment process professionally.

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